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Broadcast 20,21-12-2024

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Ulaanbaatar to import 100 new buses next week

Densmaa 2023-12-21 07:12

Five participants submitted materials for the public transportation bid for supplying buses as part of Ulaanbaatar's Road congestion reduction work.

Five participants submitted materials for the public transportation bid for supplying buses as part of Ulaanbaatar's Road congestion reduction work. Among them, Yutong Bus Co., Ltd. was selected as they met the requirements. An agreement was officially signed last week between the Ulaanbaatar City Council and Yutong Bus Co., Ltd. According to the contract, 600 buses will be delivered by January 31, next year, the First Deputy in Charge of Economic and Infrastructure Issues of the Capital City Governor said. For every 50 buses produced, preliminary control and inspection will be done before they enter the border. The warranty period for buses is 24 months, and the manufacturer undertakes to provide reliable spare parts for ten years of operation. About 100 buses will be imported at the end of the year. Before the bus is put into service, it is necessary to install a payment system and obtain insurance. In addition, as all the buses will be imported by February 1, the work plans for payment system, parking, and routes are underway.

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