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Broadcast 20,21-12-2024

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Digitization to be Intensified in Collaboration with Estonia

Densmaa 2023-09-18 05:09

To intensify the digitization and support IT production the Government of Mongolia intends to create favorable condition for investors, businessmen and high technology specialists.

To intensify the digitization and support IT production the Government of Mongolia intends to create favorable condition for investors, businessmen and high technology specialists in running business in Mongolia by establishing required legal and technological environment. At its regular session of the Cabinet on September 13, Minister of Digital Development and Communications was tasked to take necessary actions for creating the favorable condition in collaboration with the relevant institutions of the Republic of Estonia and present them to the Cabinet meeting for discussion. Mongolian delegation representing the Government and private sector headed by Minister of Digital Development and Communications attended the 8th Open Government Partnership Global Summit and E-Tallinn Conference held in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia on September 5-7, and the results of the attendance were presented to the Cabinet at its regular meeting. The Open Government Partnership, an international organization of reformers inside and outside of government working to transform how government serves its citizens awarded the Government of Mongolia with the "Open Governance Award" as high appreciation of the results of its actions for digitization and transparency. During the working visit of the Mongolian delegates got acquainted with the digitization progress of Estonia and the two sides agreed to cooperate in distribution of digital signatures to every citizen, digitize business permits, develop e-Business solutions, and introduction of the good practice of "e-Resident" platform of Estonia.

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  • この度は大変お世話になりました。 迅速かつスムーズにそして手書きのメッセージまで添えて頂き心のこもった対応で、とっても満足な買い物が出来ました。 また機会がありましたら宜しくお願いします。 スーパーコピー 大丈夫

  • エルメス バッグ コピースーパーコピー 通販 ネットショップへようこそいらっしゃいませ。今日もよろしくお願いします。エルメス バッグ コピー日頃に秋めいてきましたね。今日は皆様に秋でもおしゃれな装いが決められるファッションコーディネートをご紹介いたします。初秋ではシャツが一番快適だと思われるなら、中秋では無論シャツにベストが一番おしゃれなコーデに決まっていますね。今日はラルフローレン コピー品で英国風に溢れる紳士のような格好を装いましょう。 ロレックス サブマリーナ ゴールド visa

  • とても迅速なご対応で、購入した日に送っていただきました。小物にメール便が使えるのは助かりますし、レビュー記入で送料無料は良心的ですね。丁寧に包装されて届きました。ありがとうございました。 ブルガリ時計 gmt