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Illegally exported remains of dinosaurs returned to Mongolia

Densmaa 2023-08-08 03:08

The US Library of Congress hosted a ceremony to return to Mongolia the remains of dinosaurs that were illegally exported from the country.

The US Library of Congress hosted a ceremony to return to Mongolia the remains of dinosaurs that were illegally exported from the country. The US authorities handed over 16 finds of six species of dinosaurs. The researchers emphasize that this is almost completely preserved fossil of this type, found only in the territory of Mongolia. The governments of the two countries cooperate on returning items of paleontological, historical and cultural value of Mongolia, illegally exported to the United States, since 2012. The first batch of dinosaur remains was returned in 2013 for the first time. Dinosaur fossils have been returned in 2014, 2016 and 2019.

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