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New Kharkhorum city to be built

Densmaa 2023-08-03 03:08

Mongolian President Khurelsukh issued a decree to rebuild the country’s ancient capital of Kharkhorum.

Mongolian President Khurelsukh issued a decree to rebuild the country’s ancient capital of Kharkhorum. New Kharkhorum city planning is based on the concept of being the center of Mongolia’s government, administration, culture, tourism, health services, international relations, and high-tech industry. Kharkhorum city will cover Uvurkhangai and Arkhangai provinces, having a population of approximately 500,000 people and 50 percent of the residential area will be green space, while 70 percent will be areas for walking, cycling, and public transportation. Importantly, according to the city development concept, the new city will be an economically independent, modern smart city with developed infrastructure, which uses surface water, recycles waste, reuses gray water, and uses various types of renewable energy.

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