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Broadcast 22-12-2024

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Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Plant to complete next year

Densmaa 2023-04-17 03:04

A new Construction and Demolition Waste or CDW Recycling Plant and waste landfill are under construction in Ulaanbaatar.

A new Construction and Demolition Waste or CDW Recycling Plant and waste landfill are under construction in Ulaanbaatar. The Project, which is being implemented to improve the waste management and recycling practices of Ulaanbaatar city, is financed by a sovereign loan of EBRD. According to the statistics, Ulaanbaatar city generates about 1.4 million solid waste per year, of which 20-30 percent is construction and demolition waste. The new plant will comprise of a landfill facility with a capacity to recycle 150 thousand solid waste a month, an area for crushing and sorting construction and demolition waste, a garage, and an office building. Currently, the construction process is 40 percent complete. The 1st Deputy Mayor of Ulaanbaatar city, in charge of economy and infrastructure, said, “The Ulaanchuluut landfill is full. So, it will be closed in 2024. As for the new waste landfill, it is expected to facilitate the waste collection, transportation, recycling, and disposal services, and improve operational efficiency and environment and hygiene standards. In addition, the CDW Recycling Plant will be the first of its kind in Mongolia. The plant will recycle the construction solid waste and turn them into gravel and macadam.” This new waste infrastructure will bring about significant benefits in environmental protection and public health and will contribute to offering local citizens a better quality of life for the years to come.

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