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Broadcast 22-12-2024

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One billion trees nationwide movement continuing in locality

Densmaa 2023-04-13 03:04

The Governor of the Bulgan province has approved an action plan to plant 1.9 million trees throughout the province this year within “One Billion Trees” National Campaign.

The Governor of the Bulgan province has approved an action plan to plant 1.9 million trees throughout the province this year within “One Billion Trees” National Campaign. In compliance with the National Campaign, a number of tasks were mandated to the Governors of each sub-provinces, Intersoum Forest Units, and line organizations. The tasks include planting trees, establishing tree nurseries and preparing necessary sites, and providing seedlings to support tree-planting efforts of citizens, enterprises, and organizations. According to the Governor's plan, an afforestation initiative will take place throughout the province to plant over 950 thousand trees across more than 400 hectares of land. Also, the initiative aims to increase urban green spaces and involve graduates of the secondary schools, who are scheduled to plant 1.6 thousand trees. Furthermore, roughly 560 thousand trees will be planted to establish a windbreak in Bulgan province. Mines, spring sanatoriums, and recreation centers will be planted over 200 thousand trees at their own expense.        

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