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Broadcast 22-12-2024

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Early-diagnosis of tuberculosis increases in the last two years

Densmaa 2023-04-12 04:04

The National Center for Communicable Diseases or (NCCD) held a press briefing on the 11th of April to review and analyze the work

The National Center for Communicable Diseases or (NCCD) held a press briefing on the 11th of April to review and analyze the work that has been accomplished since the inauguration of the project “Improve tuberculosis contact of diagnosis and monitoring in Ulaanbaatar”. The project has been implementing to collaborate with the Korean National Tuberculosis Association (KNTA) since 2015. During the implementation of the project, there are 214 successful early-diagnosis of tuberculosis in Ulaanbaatar that enabled the patients to receive medical care immediately. In order to accommodate early-diagnosis and study of antibiotic resistant tuberculosis cases, new molecular laboratories were established. Furthermore, new technology was introduced to the labs that allowed diagnosis of asymptomatic tuberculosis infections. Furthermore, various events are organized to train and educate the doctors and professionals in new techniques and international conferences in collaboration with the KNTA, which hosts its 6th subsequent conference this year.

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