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Broadcast 04-03-01-2025

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"Steppe Metal Powder" to Cooperate with MUST and Kongju National University

Densmaa 2023-04-04 04:04

The Center for Advanced Materials and Parts of Powder (CAMP2) of Kongju National University of the Republic of Korea, Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST)

The Center for Advanced Materials and Parts of Powder (CAMP2) of Kongju National University of the Republic of Korea, Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST), and Steppe Metal Powder LLC signed a memorandum of understanding at Cheonan Campus of Kongju National University. Within the scope of the memorandum, the parties will prioritize joint research, development, and production of advanced powder materials and spare parts based on them. Professor Soon-Jik Hong, Director of the CAMP2, said he is looking forward to exchanges and supply chains between the Republic of Korea and Mongolia in the field of powder metallurgy, particularly in terms of advanced technology, equipment, human resources, and metals. Chairman of the Board of Steppe Metal Powder LLC, Tsagaan Puntsag said that Mongolian and Korean universities, which represent the academic cornerstones of the two countries, are now starting to cooperate with the private sector, creating new opportunities in progressing the level of industrialization in Mongolia. The research and analysis effort of the two universities will focus on the development of the quality of the products processed by the metal powder plant established in Mongolia to be competitive in the world, which is a strong impetus for the university-industry cooperation to a new level, said the Director of the Research and Technology Department of MUST.

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