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Broadcast 20,21-12-2024

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‘Green Guarantee’ for the Engineering, Procurement and Construction contract issued

Densmaa 2022-07-04 06:07

Top international and domestic companies have been selected as the general contractor for the EPC contract for 10MW Moron solar PV

Top international and domestic companies have been selected as the general contractor for the EPC contract for 10MW Moron solar PV, which is being implemented by the Ministry of Energy and funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) within the framework of the Upscaling Renewable Energy Sector Project. In accordance with the terms of the contract, Golomt Bank, in cooperation with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, issued Green guarantee on behalf of the General Contractor. The project will support the Government of Mongolia’s policy of decarbonizing the energy system in remote and less-developed regions; and strengthen institutional capacity to implement the State Policy on Energy, 2015–2030, and Mongolia’s Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris climate accord, which set the targets of increasing the share of renewable energy capacity. The project will develop 40.5MW first-of-its-kind distributed renewable energy system with a variety of renewable energy technologies supplying clean electricity and heat in geographically scattered load centers in the less-developed region of western Mongolia.

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