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Broadcast 23-12-2024

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Sub-center development project implements

Densmaa 2021-12-22 03:12

The first phase of the project to establish six sub-centers has been successfully implemented.

The first phase of the project to establish six sub-centers has been successfully implemented as part of the Asian Development Bank’s Ulaanbaatar Urban Services and Ger Areas Development Investment Program. The undertakings funded by soft loan from ADB and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will be carried out for 10 years in three phases. Deputy Governor of the Capital City held a meeting with ADB's Principal Urban Development Specialist to discuss the project. At the meeting, the specialist expressed that the green affordable housing project, the continuation of the program, is of great significance for the redevelopment of ger areas. The goal of the project is to deliver 10,000 affordable green housing units and redevelop 100 hectares of ger areas into low carbon, climate-resilient, mixed-use, and mixed-income eco-districts. Deputy Governor noted that the city administration is giving increased focus to solving some funding issues, stressing the importance of opening training centers and increasing jobs as part of the sub-center project.

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