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Broadcast 25-12-2024

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Measures being taken towards putting intellectual property into economic circulation

Densmaa 2020-09-30 12:09

On September 28, a discussion took place between specialists on the implementation of the Law on Intellectual Property that will come into force on December 1, 2020.

Representatives of the Intellectual Property Office, the Mongolian Institute of Certified Appraisers, the Mongolian Intellectual Property Association, and the Science and Technology Fund participated in the discussion.


In the framework of implementing the law of which aims to put intellectual property into economic circulation, a memorandum of cooperation was established between three organizations in February this year. The memorandum targets to creating favorable condition to have intellectual property assessed and put into circulation. The discussion touched various topics such as exchanging information, improving the knowledge of the sides involved in the sector, and capacity building for specialists as well as current and future measures in the framework of the partnership.


Currently the Intellectual Property Office is in charge of implementing the Law on Patent, the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, and the Law on Trademark and Geographical Indications alongside following 16 agreements and conventions. The newly approved law on intellectual property creates the opportunity to put intellectual property in economic circulation in various ways, reported the officials.



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