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Broadcast 27,28-12-2024

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State Procurement Office to be established in Mongolia

Oyundelger 2019-10-29 06:10

The Parliament of Mongolia supported establishing state procurement office and approved a resolution on amendments to resolution appendix submitted by the government.

The Parliament of Mongolia supported establishing state procurement office and approved a resolution on amendments to the resolution appendix submitted by the government. The procurement office was closed down in line with the government’s resolution in July 2016 and this decision is considered as disruption of the structure of the independent specialized organization in charge of large nationwide and regional procurement activities. Particularly, government organizations and agencies have been facing needs to organizing procurement and purchasing activities in addition to their day-to-day operations, which causes a delay in budget investment and development works as well as public services and an increase in costs. Therefore, the newly-approved resolution states an establishment of state procurement office to be responsible for the transparent and open organization of state procurement activities, avoiding corruption and conflict of interest and supporting national producers.

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