Nomads in the Digital Age international conference held
Supported by the Government of Mongolia, the University of Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Access Solutions LLC organized ‘Nomads in the Digital Age’
Supported by the Government of Mongolia, the University of Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Access Solutions LLC organized ‘Nomads in the Digital Age’ conference in Ulaanbaatar. The event brought together government, business, and civil society and international stakeholders to discuss the global agenda to use technology for better education and a more inclusive society. At the conference, a report and policy recommendation of the “Mongolia in a Digital Age” project implemented by the Government of Mongolia and the Pathways Commission were presented. The University of Oxford and “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation” has initiated the project “Mongolia in the Digital Age” with support of the Government of Mongolia. It has been implemented by “Access Solutions LLC” since April 2019. The project aims to support policymakers in promoting sustainable development based on technological progress. Mongolia is one of three benchmark countries implementing the project. At the conference, Head of the “Mongolia in a Digital Age” research project delivered a report on the aforementioned project on the digital strategy development process and findings from a recently conducted digital readiness assessment, and draft national digital strategy. The work undertaken in Mongolia has provided feedback that has strengthened the Pathways Commission’s Digital Economy Kit, designed to support governments wanting to get their economies geared up for the digital age.
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