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Broadcast 27,28-12-2024

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‘Mongolia today’ photojournalists program kicks off

Oyundelger 2019-08-14 01:08

The “Mongolia today” international photojournalists program was launched at the initiation of MONTSAME National News Agency

The “Mongolia today” international photojournalists program was launched at the initiation of MONTSAME National News Agency and the United Association of Mongolian Photographers with the support from the National Branding Council and Governor’s Office. The program is being organized for the second year with the aim of showing Mongolia to the world through a positive lens and enhancing photo archives of international media agencies. In 2018, photo reporters from international news agencies including TASS, Russia Today, Xinhua and Kyodo participated in the program. This year, in addition to the above-mentioned agencies, photojournalists from South Korea’s Yonhap news agency and Anadolu agency of Turkey arrived in Ulaanbaatar to make photo reportages in Mongolia. The participants will take a photo tour in Ulaanbaatar-Central province, eastern Khentii province, the birthplace of Chinggis Khan within the 80thanniversary of Khalkhin Gol Battle.

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