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Broadcast 20,21-12-2024

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Hollywood filmmakers to share experience

Oyundelger 2019-04-04 04:04

The festival is aimed at learning experience from world-class experts, initiating collaboration between Mongolian and Hollywood artists.

‘Hollywood in Mongolia’ festival for filmmakers to be held for the first time in Mongolia on May 1-7. Organizers of the festival gave a briefing on the event today. The festival is aimed at learning experience from world-class experts, initiating collaboration between Mongolian and Hollywood artists and organizing capacity building programs for national filmmakers. It is also intended to establish a foundation for filming Hollywood films in Mongolia and international co-production. Organizers emphasized that 13 out of 16 invited guests have accepted the invitation and will arrive in Ulaanbaatar to share their experiences. World-class experts of film industry including acting coach Ivana Chubbuck, producer Tom Coddington, director David Petrarca, actor, and producer Rudy Youngblood, juries of the Cannes and Berlin International Film Festivals and other major representatives of the industry will gather in Mongolia. A series of events such as launching ceremony of the ‘The Power of the Actor’ book by Ivana Chubbuck, forum, discussions, master classes and meeting with the public will be held during the festival. In the future, the festival will be organized once every two years.

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