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Broadcast 04-03-01-2025

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‘Internship Compass’ project launches

Oyundelger 2019-03-22 03:03

‘Internship Compass’ project Leaders Advancing Democracy (LEAD) Mongolia Program implemented by World Learning international NGO was presented.

‘Internship Compass’ project Leaders Advancing Democracy (LEAD) Mongolia Program implemented by World Learning international NGO was presented. The project is supported by the capital city Employment Department and Mongolian Information and Communication Operators Association. The project will involve third-year and senior students, young people aged between 20 and 29 actively seeking for a job, giving them opportunity to work at the leading companies of the information and communication sector. A total of 20 selected participants will be able to improve their communication and language skills, explore the concept of innovation and acquire the skills that employers require. According to the survey, people aged between 20 and 29 account for 35.6 percent of total unemployed. Moreover, one third of them have higher education. The survey finds that new graduates do not meet the employers' requirements, which is one of the main reasons of high unemployment rate among graduates of higher education institutes. Therefore, the project will provide information on necessary practical skills and practice system to acquire these skills and qualities for senior students seeking for a job.

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