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Broadcast 04-03-01-2025

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Solar power plant to be built in western province

Oyundelger 2019-02-19 06:02

A solar power plant with a capacity of 10mWt is to be built in Khovd western province with the financing of the World Bank.

A solar power plant with a capacity of 10mWt is to be built in Khovd western province with the financing of the World Bank. Moreover, Japanese LOOP LLC is conducting a feasibility study to build another 10 mWt solar power plant with its own funding. Also the governors of Khovd province received the delegates of LOOP LLC last week, where local authorities expressed that the province is ready to fully support the construction work of new renewable energy project. LOOP LLC of Japan is an experienced company which is running sustainable operation in the renewable energy sector in recent years. Since 2011, the company has constructed more than 2000 solar power plants with a capacity of 250 MW.

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