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Broadcast 04-03-01-2025

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Mongolian researchers taking part in EU’s project

Oyundelger 2019-02-13 03:02

WeNet has the goal of developing a protocol and a platform for empowering diversity-aware communication among people.

Researchers of School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, National University of Mongolia, are taking part in WeNet-Internet of US project being implemented in 2019-2020 within Horizon 2020 Future Emerging Technologies (FET), EU’s research and innovation program. WeNet has the goal of developing a protocol and a platform for empowering diversity-aware communication among people. Specifically, the project will seek to develop a diversity-aware, machine-mediated paradigm of social interaction, exploiting the complementary competencies of humans to solve problems that are beyond the skills of any individual. Fifteen universities, research institutes and technological companies of Mongolia, Italy, Cyprus, Israel, Switzerland, Spain, Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Paraguay, India, Mexico and China are taking part in the project. The project’s kick-off meeting was held between January 30 and February 1 at the University of Trento, Italy, in which Dr. G.Amarsanaa and Dr. Ch.Altangerel from the NUM attended.

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