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Broadcast 04-03-01-2025

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Academic conference on natural condition held

Oyundelger 2019-01-22 03:01

The fourth biennial international academic conference entitled “Considering natural conditions and territorial features in the social and economic development” was organized by the Ministry of Environ

The fourth biennial international academic conference entitled “Considering natural conditions and territorial features in the social and economic development” was organized by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. This year, the conference was aimed at reflecting recommendations of scientists and researchers in the “Report on the state of Mongolia’s natural condition and resources in 2017-2018” as it is to be discussed at a meeting of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Environment, Food and Agriculture. Moreover, participants touched upon climate change related topics such as “Reduction of short-lived climate pollutants that have major influence on the global warming”, and “Forest resources of Mongolia – its protection and restoration”. Scientists and researchers of scientific institutes and universities of Mongolia, China, Russia and Japan sent their articles and reports to the conference. 

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