Journalists to stand out from Facebook users with ethics and professionalism
A discussion took place on how media and press should be handled online at the Journalism Ethics Forum (JEF), under the theme, ‘Professional Journalism and the Digital Era’.
In some cases, citizens are better in content as well as speed, compared to professional journalists. Thus, the presenters at the forum agreed on the fact that, despite this case, journalists should stand out from them by confirming the news with numerous sources and abiding journalism ethics. The main presentation was done by CEO of the MCM G.Gunjidmaa, with the topic ‘Hate speech on Websites and Social Media’. In her presentation, she said, “Professional journalists should stand out from normal citizens, with ethics foremost. This should be done by abiding by the journalism ethics and doing their main duty, which is to educate the society. Although online articles abide by the ethics, people tend to leave inappropriate comments. News agencies should supervise their comment sections, considering it as a part of their job.” A guidance book, concluding the topics discussed at the forum, is to be published afterwards, which can be used as a set of rules to follow for news agencies.
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