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Broadcast 06-01-2025

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Chinese doctors revisit Mongolian children who have received surgeries in China

Oyundelger 2018-10-24 04:10

The examination is part of a humanitarian aid program launched last year as part of the program “Angels Tour — Belt and Road Humanitarian Rescue Mongolia Action for Children with Severe Diseases."

A medical team of the Chinese Red Cross Foundation (CRCF) visited four Mongolian households to examine the children who had received free surgeries for congenital heart disease in China last year. Children from four households were randomly picked from the 53 children who received free surgeries in China a year ago. The examination is part of a humanitarian aid program by the CRCF, which was launched last year as part of the program “Angels Tour — Belt and Road Humanitarian Rescue Mongolia Action for Children with Severe Diseases.” The program targets Mongolian children suffering from congenital heart disease. The plan is to provide 100 sick children with free heart surgeries in China. The CRCF covers all the necessary costs related to treating the sick Mongolian children in China, including for travel and caretakers.

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