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Broadcast 06-01-2025

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Tourists to northern Mongolia increases

Oyundelger 2018-10-24 02:10

The number of foreign and domestic tourists visiting northern Khuvsgul province, one of the main tourist attraction in Mongolia, is increasing year-by-year.

The number of foreign and domestic tourists visiting northern Khuvsgul province, one of the main tourist attraction in Mongolia, is increasing year-by-year. The province received over 92000 domestic and 9000 foreign tourists as of September, this year, according to the province’s Department of Environment and Tourism. With aim of increasing the number of tourists, some events have been organized every whole year such as ice festival, Tsaatan or reindeer festival, yak festival and some 50-100 complexes are being constructed. A specific plan for increasing the tourists’ number will be carried out in the future.

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