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Broadcast 07-01-2025

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Mongolian student in Australia creates drone controlled by thought

Oyundelger 2018-10-12 02:10

B.Bilguun, who studies at the University of Queensland in Australia, created a drone controlled by thought via electrical signals in the human brain.

B.Bilguun, who studies at the University of Queensland in Australia, created a drone controlled by thought via electrical signals in the human brain.

"Controlling the drone was more difficult than creating it. I do not know if I am the first person from my country to create it. Perhaps someone else from Mongolia might have created a drone somewhere in the world," he said.

He is majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University on Mongolian Government scholarship. When he got the scholarship, he said If he was granted the scholarship, he would come back and teach people what he had learned and spread the benefit of the scholarship. In addition, he also teaches computer programs and robotics for secondary school students in Australia.

In addition, he also teaches computer programs and robotics for secondary school students in Australia.

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