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Broadcast 20,21-12-2024

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Photographers of world to reflect Mongolia of today

Oyundelger 2018-10-05 08:10

The program’s aims are to promote Mongolia internationally through the works of both domestic and foreign press photographers, help enhance foreign press archives with new pictures about Mongolia.

Montsame, the National News Agency, the United Association of Mongolian Photographers and the Policy Council for National Brands will be organizing the ‘Mongolia Today’ international photojournalism program from October 8 to October 15. The program’s aims are to promote Mongolia internationally through the works of both domestic and foreign press photographers, help enhance foreign press archives with new pictures about Mongolia and show the country through a positive lens according to the organizers. Photographers from Russia, China, Japan, South Korea, Germany, and Mongolia will have a tour in route to Ulaanbaatar city, Darkhan city, Orkhon province and Umnugobi province to take photos which will be displayed at the Mongolian Art Gallery.

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