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Mongolian and Taiwanese documentary filmmakers start collaborating

Oyundelger 2018-10-05 08:10

"Taiwanese Documentary Film Festival" and a seminar themed “Documentary Filmmakers Who Compiled the Historical Time” were organized in Mongolia.

"Taiwanese Documentary Film Festival" and a seminar themed “Documentary Filmmakers Who Compiled the Historical Time” during which filmmakers, researchers from the two countries exchanged mutual expertise were jointly organized by the Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture and the Taiwanese Cultural Association in Mongolia. During the festival, seven Taiwanese documentary films including “Why Aren't You Angry” (Wild Lily Movement), “Taiwan, My Love”, “From Now On”, “Black Bear Forest”, “Fly, Kite Fly”, “The Right Thing” and “I Can't Live Without You” were screened. “The two countries have a similar history and democratic revolution. The Taiwanese films on the topics of Taiwan’s Democratic Revolution, the multiculturalism, and the ecological balance were shared with the Mongolian audiences during the festival and we are seeking opportunities for further cooperation between the filmmakers of the two countries,” General Secretary of the Taiwanese Cultural Association, Chen Shi Hoon said. “In recent years, Mongolian filmmakers are participating in international film festivals and films on the topics of Mongolian history and traditional ethnic culture are receiving praise from audiences,” said film researcher from Mongolia B.Tumen-Ulzii. “There is a great potentiality for documentary films to develop and we hope that Mongolian and Taiwanese filmmakers will work together,” he added. From the Taiwanese side, director Wang Zhie Chen; director Chen Li Gui, consultant of the Taiwanese female filmmaker's association; director Li Xiang Shi, Professor of Shi Shin University, and from the Mongolian side some directors, researchers, and faculty members attended the event. Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture has previous experience of organizing Polish, Japanese, and Turkish films days.  

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