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Broadcast 07-01-2025

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Southwestern province to expand cooperation with Takikawa city of Japan

Oyundelger 2018-09-27 04:09

19 people from Uvurkhangai province studied experience in Takikawa city and are currently growing rice and onion in the city.

Authorities of Uvurkhangai southwestern province and Takikawa city of Japan signed a memorandum to expand cooperation in the sectors of construction and health. Also the delegation from Takikawa city acquainted with a farm activity, growing onion from seedlings and visited the ‘Uvurkhangai-Partnership’ trade fair.  The two countries have been cooperating in the agricultural sector since 2011. 19 people from Uvurkhangai province studied experience in Takikawa city and are currently growing rice and onion in the city.

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