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Broadcast 20,21-12-2024

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Theatrical recitations in the nature to be organized at Tsagaan Suvarga

Oyundelger 2018-08-24 09:08

The travel allowed theatre lovers to listen ‘Alchemist’ novel by Paulo Coelho in the rhythm of classical music in the lap of beautiful Tsagaan Suvarga cliff.

‘We love theatre’ NGO organized a theatrical recitation to nature for the first time in Mongolia. The travel allowed theatre lovers to listen ‘Alchemist’ novel by Paulo Coelho in the rhythm of classical music in the lap of beautiful Tsagaan Suvarga (White Stupa) cliff in Ulziit soum of eastern Dundgobi province. The novel was read by a professional actor. During the travel, the participants did not only listen to the novel but also they saw rising sun from the top of Tsagaan Suvarga, had organic tea with talks about tea therapy as well as tasted foods made by a professional cook while enjoying the beautiful nature. The scarp of Tsagaan Suvraga cliff is 30m high and 100m wide. Over thousands of years, the wind weathering has carved this amazing natural beauty. Tsagaan Suvarga has numerous ancient rock paintings and the eroded landscape is rich in fossil seashells which once prove that the territory of Gobi region was beneath water million years ago.   

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