Smart land Cadastre data system to be introduced
The project aims to establish Land Cadastre Data System, which will comprise state registrations of land and immovable property rights, cadastral mapping, e-archive and data of the NLIS.
A launching ceremony of a project to modernize Land Cadastre Data System of the capital city and connect it to the National Land Information System (NLIS) was held at the Citizen's Hall of the capital city. The project aims to establish Land Cadastre Data System, which will comprise state registrations of land and immovable property rights, cadastral mapping, e-archive and data of the National Land Information System and ensure inter-sector information exchange, as well as to provide e-services related to land ownership and possession. By introducing the system, databases of organizations will be connected to the nationwide data, which will enable citizens and entities to make online payment and exchange information promptly with notaries, banks as well as other authorities. The project is planned to be completed in December 2019.
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