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Broadcast 04-03-01-2025

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Foreign Minister attends Ministerial to advance religious freedom

Oyundelger 2018-07-31 06:07

Foreign Minister made a proposal to study and prepare research papers about the good examples of respecting religious freedom and organize thematic or regional conference on religious freedom.

The first-ever Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom held in Washington, D.C, the USA discussed issues of religious freedom around the world, challenges facing it, ending religious discrimination, promoting respect for religious freedom as well as defining further ways. In his speech at the Ministerial, Foreign Minister Tsogtbaatar.D highlighted timeliness of the event, noting the importance of studying, understanding and promoting religions and their diversity in order to end the conflict and prevent further disputes. Furthermore, the Minister informed Mongolians have been respectful of different religions since ancient times, and even today, religious freedom is one of the fundamental values of the democratic Mongolia, which has reached an absolute level in recent years. Thereafter, he made a proposal to study and prepare research papers about the good examples of respecting religious freedom and organize a thematic or regional conference on religious freedom. The Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom was attended by Foreign Ministers of Kazakhstan, Thailand, Hungary, Montenegro and Serbia among others, representatives of International organizations and international civil society organizations and religious leaders.

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