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Broadcast 09-01-2025

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Mongolia faces blackout due to flood

Oyundelger 2018-07-20 08:07

It has been raining continuously in most of the Mongolian territories the past couple of weeks which has led to flooding.

75 soums or villages of 8 provinces or aimags have been facing the electricity outage due to the heavy rainfall and strong wind that have destroyed the main electricity grids. It has been raining continuously in most of the Mongolian territories the past couple of weeks which has led to flooding. National Emergency Management Agency informs that the residents of the affected provinces of Arkhangai, Bulgan, Bayankhongor, Uvurkhangai, Tuv, Dundgovi, Zavkhan, and Khuvsgul is now having no power for two days and emergency teams have been formed to fix the problem in the regions.  In addition to these 8 aimags or provinces, the westernmost province Bayan-Ulgii's Ulgii city is heavily damaged by flooding which destroyed the hundreds of homes. The latest report from the Ulgii city shows that around two thousand people from five hundred homes have lost their houses and more or less 1 billion tugrugs or about 4 million USD`s damage has been made. Moreover, the flood zones of the capital city Ulaanbaatar are under heavy flooding that the inhabitants of the areas have been fleeing from homes. The Emergency Committee in Ulaanbaatar has now issued the order to evacuate the flood zones.

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