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Broadcast 04-03-01-2025

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Mongolia takes part in United Nations forum on sustainable development

Oyundelger 2018-07-19 06:07

Mongolia, in collaboration with Armenia, Colombia, and Switzerland, held a dialogue under the theme “Investing in disaster prevention activities to create sustainable and resilient societies”.

Deputy Prime Minister Enkhtuvhin attended the high-level political forum on sustainable development organized by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Deputy Prime Minister Enkhtuvhin noted in a  speech that Mongolia approved its Sustainable Development Vision 2030 in 2016 and that Cabinet has taken important steps, including the development of policies, plans, and projects, to ensure the vision's implementation. During the forum, participants reviewed progress made in achieving sustainable development goals. During the forum, Mongolia, in collaboration with Armenia, Colombia, and Switzerland, held a dialogue under the theme “Investing in disaster prevention activities to create sustainable and resilient societies”.

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