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Broadcast 09-01-2025

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Mongolia ranks 53rd in Global Innovation Index 2018

Oyundelger 2018-07-18 04:07

The report was made with seven criteria such as politics, human development and infrastructure, business, market environment, knowledge in the technology sector and creative production.

Mongolia is being ranked at the 53rd place in the Global Innovation Index (GII) with nearly 36 points. The report underlined the lack of political support for start-up businesses despite the technological development at the business level in Mongolia. Switzerland tops the GII with some 68 points, followed by the Netherlands and Sweden while Yemen is at the bottom of the list. Mongolia’s soft loan requirements for the SMEs is acceptable compared to other Southeast Asian countries. Even though it is working on the introduction of new technologies and production, there is no unified state coordination, researches are inadequate at university and college level and new personnel should be trained, stated the report. The report was made with seven criteria such as politics, human development and infrastructure, business, market environment, knowledge in the technology sector and creative production. The annual global innovation ranking list was released by Cornell University and the European Institute of Business Administration with the support of the World Bank, World Economic Forum, and International Telecommunication Union.

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