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Broadcast 09-01-2025

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Asia regional meeting of Prospera begins

Oyundelger 2018-06-27 11:06

Erdenechimeg.B: "Even though there may be fewer violations in Mongolia compared to the other countries, women's rights are being violated a lot in reality."

Asia regional meeting of the International Women's Fund ‘Prospera’ which aims at promoting, financing and empowering organizations and groups for women rights is being held on 25-27 in Ulaanbaatar. Representatives from the Prospera, Global Fund for Women, Mama Cash in the Netherlands, Mongolia, Hong Kong, Korea, Nepal, Sri Lanka exchanged views on new opportunities for cooperation at the regional level. Prospera has over 37 member organizations that operate internationally, regionally and nationally, and raises funds for promoting cooperation, strengthening the capacity of member organizations and protecting women's rights. International women's funds raise on average USD 66.3 million annually and provide over 1,800 fundings to 173 countries. "Our fund provides financial assistance to organizations and groups in order to stop violations of women's rights. The organization was founded in 2005 as domestic violence and sex discrimination have increased since 2000. Even though there may be fewer violations in Mongolia compared to the other countries, women's rights are being violated a lot in reality,” said Erdenechimeg.B, Executive Director of the Mongolian Women's Fund. The meeting decided to fund organizations that provide legal assistance for the women who committed crimes and educate young women on reproductive and sexual health issues.

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