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Mongolia and China organizes First Sports Festival for Children with Disabilities

Oyundelger 2018-06-04 02:06

The first Sports Festival for Children with Disabilities kicks off, an event that also aims to strengthen bilateral relations between Mongolia and China in the sports sector.

The first Sports Festival for Children with Disabilities kicks off, an event that also aims to strengthen bilateral relations between Mongolia and China in the sports sector. The three-day festival is co-organized by the Physical Culture and Sports Authority of Mongolia, the Mongolian National Paralympic Committee, the Mongolian Committee of Deaf Sports, the Special Olympic Committee and Grand China Sports Limited. Around five hundred forty Mongolian children with disabilities are competing in eight different para-sports, including basketball, indoor field hockey and table tennis in the competition, according to the Physical Culture and Sports Authority of Mongolia. The festival will also be held in 2019 and 2020. The Mongolian government's action plan for 2016 to 2020, includes plans to build a sporting complex for use by people with disabilities using non-refundable aid from China. 

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