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Broadcast 09-01-2025

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Mongolia to establish agency for people with disabilities

Oyundelger 2018-05-29 08:05

Mongolia's Ministry of Labor and Social Protection said that it would establish an agency within this year, which is in charge of the issues of people with disabilities.

Mongolia's Ministry of Labor and Social Protection said that it would establish an agency within this year, which is in charge of the issues of people with disabilities. The government will change the structure and organization of its Restoration, Training, and Production Center, in order to make it as an agency that serves disabilities. The agency is committed to helping people with disabilities to participate in social life actively and access to social services, including health and education, the ministry said in a statement. According to the National Statistical Office, at the end of 2017, Mongolia has 103,630 people with disabilities while the total population of the country is just over three million. In addition, about 42 percent of households with disabled members are in poverty while only 28 percent of disabled persons aged 15 to 59 are employed.

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