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Broadcast 22-12-2024

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Workshop for film artists hosted

Oyundelger 2018-05-28 05:05

The Government implementing agency Cultural and Arts Department hosted a training and workshop for film artists ‘Competitiveness of Mongolian films’ on May 24 at its conference hall.

The Government implementing agency Cultural and Arts Department hosted a training and workshop for film artists ‘Competitiveness of Mongolian films’ on May 24 at its conference hall. The training aimed to increase artists’ legal knowledge, introduce government’s policy, programs and regulations, increase their role in the policy implementation process and strengthen cooperation. The workshop gives information on getting involved in the state program to support film creation, Foreign promotion of Mongolia events, opportunities to establish cinema town and to participate in international film festivals, as well as intellectual property issues in cinematography, Competition law, technical requirements for films to be screened in cinemas and international requirements for video shots. The National Development Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Authority for Intellectual Property and State Registration, Authority for Fair Competition and Consumer Protection and Center for Cultural Heritage co-organized the event.

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