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Broadcast 05-01-2025

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Mongolia-India defense cooperation to intensify

Oyundelger 2018-05-24 11:05

Chief of Staff of the President's office welcomed management of the National Defense College of India to delve into ongoing defense cooperation between India and Mongolia, and future collaboration.

Chief of Staff of the President’s Office Enkhbold.Z welcomed management of the National Defense College of India at the State Palace to delve into ongoing defense cooperation between India and Mongolia, and future collaboration. Enkhbold pointed out that since establishing defense cooperation in 1973, both countries have been developing cooperation in defense by hosting joint peacekeeping training and counter-terrorism exercises, and training Mongolian military officers in India in information technology, English, and other defense programs. Major General  Harkirat Singh noted that the two nations have been regularly hosting a joint military exercise named “Nomadic Elephant”, which has had a significant impact on defense cooperation, and emphasized that India is interested in expanding its cooperation with Mongolia in defense and border security. The ‘president’s chief of staff’ noted the importance of hosting joint military exercises and maintaining their active role in further strengthening defense cooperation between Mongolia and India.  

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