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Broadcast 09-01-2025

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Mongolia needs to scale up meeting local fruit demands

Oyundelger 2018-05-18 10:05

According to the Mongolian Federation of Greenhouse Farming, Mongolia imports around 20 thousand tons of fruit annually.

According to the Mongolian Federation of Greenhouse Farming, Mongolia imports around 20 thousand tons of fruit annually. Each year, Mongolia produces over 2 thousand tons of 10 types of fruits, of which almost 92 percent of the entire production comes from sea buckthorn. However, this only covers 1.5 percent of domestic fruit demand. A handful of local farms including Elbeg Urgats, Munkh Nogoon, and Nogoon Sor have been growing strawberries, grapes, watermelon in their summer and winter greenhouses. For example, the widely recognized Nogoon Sor farmhouse harvested around 12 tons of strawberries and  20 tons of watermelon last year. The company also has been experimenting to plant peach since 2015 and plans to cultivate more fruits in the future. Most of the fruit demand is met by Mongolia`s two neighboring countries, Russia and China.

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