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Broadcast 09-01-2025

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Mongolian Innovation Week starts

Oyundelger 2018-05-09 08:05

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Sports is hosting the fourth “Mongolian Innovation Week forum from May 7th to 14th.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Sports is hosting the fourth “Mongolian Innovation Week forum from May 7th to 14th. This year, the innovation week will be focused on the legal environment for innovation and other related reforms.  In addition, several scientific conferences will be held including “The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Mongolia’s Development Challenges”, “Innovation Cooperation – Development Solutions”, and “Young Experts’ Best Papers Awards – 2018”, and an expo for innovative new businesses will be held in Ulaanbaatar. The 2018 Agricultural Technology and Innovation Forum will be held in Darkhan-Uul Province during Mongolian Innovation Week. Deputy Chairman of the Industry Development and Innovation Department of Ulaanbaatar J. Bilegsaikhan reported that 200 innovative ideas from roughly 60 organizations will be showcased during this year's Innovation Week. In the past years, the forum's participants have discussed how to develop knowledge-based innovation in Mongolia. Here is Oyuntsetseg Luvsandondov, professor of the Graduate School of Business at Mongolian University of Science and Technology tells the significance of the annual innovation week in Mongolian during the Young Experts’ Best Papers Awards – 2018: Master and Doctor`s students” scientific research convention.

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