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Broadcast 09-01-2025

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Online media platform increased

Oyundelger 2018-05-04 09:05

Press Institute of Mongolia released the latest data of media organizations on the day of Press Freedom.

Press Institute of Mongolia released the latest data of media organizations on the day of Press Freedom. According to the data, a total of 434 organizations are running operations in the media and broadcasting sector in Mongolia with a decrease of traditional media in the last five years. Private companies and individuals are owning 78 percent of total media organizations. Sale of printed newspapers declined by over 5 percent and journal by 36 percent compared to the previous year. A number of websites tend to increase from year to year while the traditional media outlets decreased. Today, some 4500 people are working in the sector and half of them are journalists, reporters, and editors.  The report was based on the data of about 100 press organizations operating in local areas and over 300 organizations in the capital city.

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