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Broadcast 09-01-2025

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Local food manufacturer Talkh Chikher introduces new food safety standard

Oyundelger 2018-05-04 09:05

Talkh Chikher JSC, pastry maker, has introduced the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System to the Mongolian market.

Talkh Chikher JSC, pastry maker, has introduced the International Organization for Standardization's ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System to the Mongolian market. ISO 22000:2005 sets out the requirements for a food safety management system and can be certified to. It maps out what an organization needs to do to demonstrate its ability to control food safety hazards in order to ensure that food is safe.  General Manager of Talkh Chikher JSC S. Tamiraa said, “A  project team with 13 members worked for 15 months to introduce the food safety management standard. Sixty percent of the company’s products are bakery products. In order to provide customers with fresh and healthy products, we are adopting this standard.”  ISO 22000 involves all procedures for food production such as raw material supply, manufacturing, transportation, and preservation.  

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