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Broadcast 09-01-2025

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Mongolian made electric hybrid buses to run in service

Oyundelger 2018-05-04 09:05

Cabinet voted to introduce two MON-30 electric hybrid buses, manufactured by Mongolian engineers, to public transportation services with a test run during the National Naadam Festival in July.

During its regular session, Cabinet voted to introduce two MON-30 electric hybrid buses, manufactured by Mongolian engineers, to public transportation services with a test run during the National Naadam Festival in July. The cost of manufacturing two hybrid buses is estimated to be equivalent to the cost of one imported diesel-fueled bus. The monthly fuel cost for one imported diesel-fueled bus is approximately 4 million MNT whereas the MON-30 buses have been designed to consume only 820,000 MNT per month. Minister of Road and Transportation Development  Bat-Erdene noted, “Cabinet’s decision was intended to support domestic production and ensure efficiency in the economy. An imported bus costs 400,000 USD, whereas the locally manufactured bus is estimated to cost around 195.000 USD.”  

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