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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Cyrillic version of Buddhist classics gifted to Mongolian library

Oyundelger 2018-05-03 07:05

The Chinese Embassy in Mongolia has donated a modern Mongolian Cyrillic version of a Tibetan Buddhist classic to a library in the country's north.

The Chinese Embassy in Mongolia has donated a modern Mongolian Cyrillic version of a Tibetan Buddhist classic to a library in the country's north. The sutras of 410 volumes of the classic "Kangyur" were handed over at a ceremony in the capital Ulaanbaatar attended by a number of officials from both countries. "This is a great gift to us from the people of China. We are grateful that our young people are able to read the wonderful scriptures in their mother language," said the library director Mr. D.Tserendavaa. The Kangyur is said to have been written by Mongolians in 1819 on black paper with inks and the Mongolian government listed the Kangyur as a rare religious and cultural heritage in 2002 and it was entered into UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register in 2013. The ancient encyclopedia is made up of 108 books that consist of 1,161 Buddhist scripts.

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