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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Mongolia to organize 28th World Memory Championship in Mongolia

Oyundelger 2018-03-19 08:03

Mongolia was proposed to organize the World Memory Championship 2018, considering the achievements of the athletes and the development of the sport in Mongolia.

Mongolia was proposed to organize the World Memory Championship 2018, considering the achievements of the athletes and the development of the sport in Mongolia. Mongolian memory athletes have been showing great triumphs at international and world competitions. For instance, the Mongolian team has re-set seven world records and participated in 46 mental sports contests in the USA, Sweden, China, Turkey, the Philippines, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, the UK, Singapore, Korea and Indonesia, and won 760 medals so far. To date, eight athletes qualified to become international grandmasters, nine athletes qualified for the grandmaster title, 13 athletes qualified for the international master title, and five athletes were qualified for the Asian master title. Mongolian memory athletes in cooperation with the Government of Mongolia are in preparation phase for the championship to be organized.

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