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The government considers the amendments to Law on Enriched Food

Oyundelger 2018-03-19 08:03

Parliament's Environment and Agriculture Standing Committee held a discussion with food producers about a draft of amendments to the Law on Enriched Food.

Parliament's Environment and Agriculture Standing Committee held a discussion with food producers about a draft of amendments to the Law on Enriched Food. According to the head of the standing committee Mr. Eldev-Ochir, the large number of Mongolians do not obtain the recommended daily doses of minerals and vitamins through the average daily diet. According to the recent study, around 7 percent of the population has iodine deficiencies, more or less 30 percent have vitamin A deficiencies while almost half of Mongolians have vitamin D deficiency. The Director of the Production Technology School at the National University of Science and Technology stated that 70 percent of consumers look at the expiration date for food products but only 2.5 percent of consumers pay attention to nutritional information. During the meeting, experts stated that there is the need to start enriching food products, which has become a common practice worldwide. The food producers highlighted that prior to submitting the amendments for a vote, it is important to carefully review the production technology and control issues; to establish the international standard food laboratories; and to consider the specific challenges faced in different parts of the industry, such as the availability of raw ingredients, competitiveness, and regulations that restrict private sector growth.


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