Vehicle recycling is potential to be developed in Mongolia
Researchers concluded that Mongolia has a potential to develop recycling production of old cars and spare parts in Mongolia.
Researchers who conducted a study ‘Developing a sustainable policy on vehicle recycling in Mongolia’ concluded that Mongolia has a potential to develop recycling production of old cars and spare parts in Mongolia. According to the study, the development of vehicle recycling in Mongolia can provide many advantages and open opportunities including the creation of a recycling network, reduction of environment protection cost by sorting out the hazardous parts and liquids, and creation of a shredding company or making large parts smaller. The development of vehicle recycling can also provide a reduction of transport costs, re-using up to 95 percent of the spare parts, processing non-metal wastes in different ways and creating new jobs. The international researchers suggested that depending on the territory of Mongolia vehicle recycling should start from Ulaanbaatar and expanded further. It was also suggested that it’s necessary to develop a stable set of rules and standards and create a legal environment for recycling production of old vehicles and spare parts. “Mongolia is fully capable of becoming a country where recycling has fully developed such as Japan, Korea, Singapore, China, and Malaysia. It is good that studies started to be conducted in this direction” said the UN Industrial Development Organization researcher Carmelo Centeno.
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