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Broadcast 08-01-2025

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SDC received cooperation requests on education, cyber protection and reducing air pollution

Oyundelger 2018-02-06 08:02

Mongolian members of Standing Committee held a meeting with Gabriella Spirli, Director of Cooperation at SDC.

Baatarbileg. Yo, MP, and head of the Parliament’s Standing Committee on Social Policy, Education, Culture and Science, and Undraa. A, MP and member of the Standing Committee, held a meeting with Gabriella Spirli, Director of Cooperation, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). During the meeting, Gabriella Spirli introduced about the SDC’s cooperation strategy for the next four years as well as giving overall information about ongoing projects on agriculture, vocational training center and strengthening governance. Gabriella noted SDC’s decision to continue its project which aims at reducing heat losses of school and kindergarten buildings and increasing indoor temperatures in the Mongolian winter. This project has been taken implemented the western provinces of Zavkhan and Khovd and in Ulaanbaatar city and funded by the Government of Germany. MP Baatarbileg.Yo expressed an interest to cooperate in three spheres including a project on publicizing vocational education, introducing international advanced technology for air pollution reduction, and protecting children’s rights in cyberspace, combating defamations on the social network and preventing from a distribution of false information.  SDC is an office-level agency in the federal administration of Switzerland and contributes to the alleviation of hardship and poverty in the world, to respect for human rights, and to the promotion of democracy and the peaceful coexistence of nations. SDC has been cooperating with Mongolian Parliament since 2002 after Mongolia was hit by prolonged severe weather conditions, cold winters called zud.

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