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Broadcast 08-01-2025

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Citizen-centered civil service project discussed

Oyundelger 2018-02-02 02:02

Lundeejantsan, MP, and head of Parliamentary Standing Committee on State Structure, met with Beate Trankmann, the United Nations Resident Coordinator and the UN Development Program Resident Representa

Lundeejantsan, MP, and head of Parliamentary Standing Committee on State Structure, met with Beate Trankmann, the United Nations Resident Coordinator and the UN Development Program Resident Representative for Mongolia. During the meeting, they exchanged views on a new project ‘Towards a Professional and Citizen-centered Civil Service in Mongolia’ to be implemented in 2018-2021, funded by Canadian Government. The Government of Canada collaborates with Mongolia on civil service reform since 2010, providing recommendations on formulating the revised bill on Civil Service and rendering professional assistance on building capacity of the Civil Service Council. The overall purpose of the project is to render professional support and assistance to formulate rules and methods required to enforce the Law on Civil Service and support the implementation of the law by means of building required capacity of state servants and government organizations.

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