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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Wastewater Treatment Plant project interest foreign organizations’ attention

Oyundelger 2018-02-02 02:02

Ulaanbaatar intends to implement its Water and Wastewater Master Plan to cover the projected needs of the increasing population.

Ulaanbaatar intends to implement its Water and Wastewater Master Plan to cover the projected needs of the increasing population. The Master Plan outlines the components of modernization and upgrade of the Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and closure of old Soviet-designed small WWTPs to be replaced by modern WWTPs in the new housing developments areas to meet the needs of the population and increased economic activity by 2020. Head of the Cabinet Secretariat Zandanshatar met with delegates led by Isabel Chatterton, Regional Manager of Public-Private Partnership Transaction Advisory Services, International Finance Corporation (IFC). At the meeting, Isabel Chatterton said that the IFC is interested in providing advisory service to a project on construction of new Central Wastewater Treatment Plant of Ulaanbaatar, which will be implemented with Chinese loans. The IFC intends to cooperate in formulating plans and selecting a contractor and in direction of operating the plant efficiently at the lowest cost.  

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