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Broadcast 10,11-01-2025

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Mongolian herders prevent from disasters with help of SMS weather information system

Oyundelger 2018-01-15 07:01

Dzud is a severe winter disastrous phenomenon that harms herders and the livestock.

Mongolian herders prevent from disasters with help of SMS weather information system. Dzud is a severe winter disastrous phenomenon that harms herders and the livestock. The National Emergency Management Agency of Mongolia (NEMA) and Mercy Corps signed a Memorandum of Understanding to cooperate on implementation of the Leveraging Tradition and Science in Disaster Risk Reduction in Mongolia-2 (LTS2), a project funded by OFDA/USAID since 2015. Under the MoU, both parties have been working together to build local capacity for emergency preparedness and disaster risk reduction. The project has two goals. First, to reduce the risk of dzud (severe winter storms) to herder communities in rural Mongolia through increased access to on-demand weather reports, local planning, and capacity-building. And second, to mitigate the effects of the dzud this winter by supporting local communities to plan and implement livestock related recovery activities that support the long-term sustainability of extensive herding systems. When the LTS2 concludes, Mercy Corps will transfer the management and maintenance of its SMS weather information system to NEMA to ensure secure and sustainable operations moving forward. "With the newly reformulated legislation and our current focus on disaster risk mitigation and prevention, we are confident that our collaboration under this MoU will result in building the national resilience capacities," said Brigadier General T. Badral, Director of NEMA at the ceremony.

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